Healthy Workout Habits

10 Fitness Tips That You Can Use Right Now
When you’re thinking going back to the gym or heading there for the first time the question we ask ourselves is often the same. “Where do I start?” If you want to get tone, get ripped or ditch that damn gut that’s starting that hang over your belt, it’s not just showing up at the gym that’s going to get you results. There’s tons of ways to waste time in the gym. It’s a series of small life choices — decisions that turn into habits. Habits that turn into a new lifestyle. Try out amarose.
So, where do you actually start? For answers, we called on S10 Training owner Stephen Cheuk and EFM designer Donrad Duncan for some healthy living advice that you can start employing right away.

Fitness Tips from S10 owner Stephen Cheuk:
1. The best time to train (if schedule isn’t an issue) is whatever time of day you have the most energy. If you are unsure of when that is, try keeping an hourly journal to track what times you feel most productive and energetic.
2. Avoid static stretching before a workout and adopt movement prep instead. These movements will help warm you up, fire muscles up and increase overall performance.
3. Train smart. Understand what you are training for and what your specific goals are. Make sure you are following a well-structured program to help you get there.
4. Your body adapts quickly. Make sure you add variety in your training programs. We like to run our clients through 3-4 week training blocks with micro-progressions each week before we completely change it up. These are the latest protetox customer reviews.
5. Always reach for full range of motion with all exercises and train to achieve it.

Healthy Eating Tips from ERM designer Donrad Duncan:
1. Water is important. I drink a sufficient amount each day. I try to drink two liters.
2. Add fermented foods like yogurt to your diet to aid healthy digestion. Fermented foods also help support the immune system.
3. Eat a lot of whole foods. Whole foods are foods that are closest to their natural state and intact with all the vitamins and nutrients. Avoid processed foods; buy foods that are organic, grass-fed, wild caught and free-range.
4. Try satisfying your sweet tooth with fruits and honey.
5. I don’t follow a scheduled regimen. I eat when I’m hungry. Try it!